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Let's Talk About 23!

Happy February! It’s a very (very) late birthday blog! I turned 23 in November and I finally sat down to write a blog! 22 was totally full of happy, free, confused, and lonely moments. Thank you to Taylor Swift for putting all the feelings of 22 in such a catchy song. I did a blog titled “22 Things I’ve Learned by 22” so I figured I’d keep the tradition going. It’s now time for me to move on to the next year. I’m definitely looking forward to what the rest of 23 has to offer me! I am determined, as I am every year, to make this the best year yet. I am learning every single day what it means to be human. There are highs and there are lows. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? We really don’t need to have every little detail figured out. Things will always work out. I am sure of it! I don’t know much, but I wanted to write out 23 things that have been on my mind recently. I hope these inspire you. I hope they show you that we all experience similar feelings. I hope they encourage you to chase your wildest dreams. I hope they motivate you to live your best life. I hope they make you feel a little bit less alone. Let’s talk about 23!

“Take chances, take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with whom, it always ends up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make you who you are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. Say how you feel always. Be you, and be okay with it.”

1- 'No.' is a complete sentence.

I was watching an interview with Elizabeth Olsen and she says this exact sentence, “'No.' Is a complete sentence.” That’s so important to remember. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone. You don’t owe anyone answers or an explanation as to why you’re saying no. No simply means no. There are no questions to be asked. I love that this is such a simple reminder yet it is so powerful.

2- Mental health matters.

Mental health is so important. We spend so much time inside our own minds and nobody ever truly knows the battles that we’re facing every single day. Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. Prioritize taking care of yourself and your mental health. Reach out for help if you need it.

3- You don’t need dozens of friends.

Nobody is ever remembered for the number of friends that they had. There’s no need to compare who has the most friends or who gets invited to the most parties. It simply doesn’t matter. All we need in life is people who are good to us. People who lift us up and truly cheer us on. The saying “quality over quantity” is beyond true. I am eternally grateful for my small little circle of friends. I know that they’ve truly and genuinely got my back at all times. That’s what really matters. Aspire to be a good friend and that’s all that you can do.

4- At the end of the day, your opinion is the only opinion that matters.

It’s as simple as that. People are always going to have an opinion no matter what you do. Therefore, you should always do what makes you happy. Block out the noise and follow the path that excites you. You exist to make you happy. You need to take care of yourself before you take care of others.

5- Do no harm but don’t be a doormat.

This is something I’m working on! You’ve got to stand up for yourself. There’s no reason to be anything other than kind, but you also cannot let people walk all over you. Speak up and speak out about what matters to you and how you’re feeling. I’m definitely learning how to advocate for myself. I’m working on ensuring that I don’t let other people take advantage of me or my time.

6- Stay in on a weekend night.

We all need to rest! You do not have to go out every single weekend. I promise that you will not miss out if you take one weekend night to yourself. The weekends sometimes just need to be used to recharge. Use your Sunday to prepare for the busy week ahead. Clean your space and get organized for what’s to come in the upcoming week.

7- You’ll never regret being kind.

Never ever will you regret being a kind person. I love the quote, “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” It’s just so important to be the bigger person and set an example for others. Kindness matters!

8- What you end up wearing is not that big of a deal.

I have to tell myself this over and over. Getting dressed is… a struggle to say the least. I am always texting my friends “What are you wearing?” or even sending them outfit options. I stress and stress over what to wear basically every single time I leave my apartment. Wear what you feel comfortable in! Wear what you want to wear! Be comfortable. Make a statement. Be bold. Don’t overthink it!

9- Study! It’ll make your life so much easier.

I happen to be a person who loves school. I always have and I always will. However, we all are going to take some classes that we simply despise. There’s no going around required curriculum. STUDY! I promise it’ll make your life so much easier. I know it’s hard. Trust me. I did not want to study for some of the courses that I was required to take, but I’m so happy I did. I learned a lot and I was proud of the work that I put into earning my grade in that course. Set a timer and put your phone away. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

10- Nothing is personal.

The way other people act has nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for what they say or how they treat you. Don’t take anything personally and learn to block out the negativity. Taylor Swift once said, “If you’re experiencing turbulence or pressure, that probably means you’re rising. There might be times when you put your whole heart and soul into something, and if it is met with cynicism or skepticism, you cannot let that crush you, you have to let it fuel you. We live in a world where anyone has the right to say anything that they want about you at any time, but just please remember that you have the right to prove them wrong.”

11- Put your phone down.

This one is simple. Put your phone down and experience the world around you. Your phone is not a part of you so don’t make it part of everything.

12- You are worthy and you are so much more than someone who doesn’t give you the time of day.

You are worthy. Despite what anyone may say, you deserve to surround yourself by people who appreciate you. People who treat you the way that you deserve to be treated. If someone doesn’t see your worth? They’re not worth your time.

13- You don’t get to decide the way you made other people feel.

We do not get to decide other people’s feelings. If someone says that you hurt their feelings, you do not get to decide that you didn’t.

14- Enjoy the struggle.

“Trust that every no is taking you where you need to go.” We are all going to struggle at one point or another. It’s inevitable. You’re going to get rejected or turned down at some point. Take a deep breath and keep moving onward and upward. Enjoy your period of learning and working towards your goals.

15- We are all wildly human.

We are all human! We are going to make mistakes. It’s okay to figure it out as you go. Be kind to others and have compassion.

16- Take time to do things you enjoy.

Do what makes you happy. Make sure that you’re carving time out of your week to do the things that put a smile on your face. Even if it’s just one activity a week. Or simply visiting your favorite restaurant! Do the things that make you happy and do them often.

17- Write it all down.

I love keeping journals. I love to write it all out. I try to journal at least once a day even if it’s a few quick sentences. It’s always nice to get your thoughts out on paper and it’s fun to look back and see how much you’ve grown and everything that you've learned.

18- Take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself and treat yourself kindly. Take baths! Buy yourself flowers! Get your nails done! Do the things that make you happy. It’s important to love yourself and make sure that you’re being taken care of.

19- Support your friends.

Cheer for your friends! Encourage them! Be their biggest supporter! I love this quote, “I cheer for people. I was raised to believe that there’s enough sun for everybody.”

20- Call your mom.

Remember to say thank you and check in with the ones who have helped you along the way. Call your mom. Tell her all about your day and then ask her about hers. It’ll make her day I promise. Call your grandparents while you’re at it!

21- Express yourself.

You’ve got to do what makes you happy. Wear the fun eyeshadow. Put on the sparkly dress. Do what makes you happy. Express yourself! Sometimes it is so difficult to remember that the only opinion that matters is our own. It’s really tough to push aside society’s expectations or even the unrealistic standards of social media. We’re living in a tricky time where people can say whatever they want about someone behind the security of a screen. Do your best to drown out the noise and focus on yourself. Be who you want to be.

22- Read.

Read anything and everything that you can get your hands on. There’s so much knowledge in the world and we have the ability to learn something new every single day. Reading is an escape from our own life for a little bit. You can meet some wonderful characters and embark on incredible adventures all from the comfort of your own home! One of the first things that I did when I moved into my apartment was go and get a library card. Libraries are an amazing resource that we all should be utilizing more often. My library will order just about any book requested, put books on hold, give book recommendations and so much more. Even if you can only read for just fifteen minutes a day! Anything is better than nothing. If you ever need a book recommendation, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Hermione Granger once said, “When in doubt, go to the library.”

23- You have all the time in the world to achieve your dreams.

You’ve got so much time. Read that again. You’ve got all the time in the world. We can all achieve our dreams. No matter what you aspire to be, I promise you’re capable of achieving and becoming. You don’t have to find your success in your twenties. Or thirties. Or forties! Success does not have a time limit. Keep growing and learning. Don’t rush yourself or compare yourself to those around you. We will all shine when it is our time. “Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.”

Go take chances and be bold! Live your dreams and enjoy the many adventures that life has to offer. We are all currently living our best lives. 🦋




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